Hey Tuss, What’s your story?

I’m so excited that you have come to join me. Today marks a day of “open minded conversations” and I hope you are ready to chime in…

For my first topic, you will need to open your mind and dig deep. It will be a heavy conversation and few people want to talk about it. I have created this space for us to gather and talk about things that matter and shape us daily. Don’t worry, your comments are Valid, Respected, and valuable. Your opinion is welcomed in this space and I so look forward to many discussions with you.

Let’s conversate about Mental Health:

I chose Mental Health as our kick-off subject because it affects more people than we know. “It includes our emotional, psychological, and social well-being. It affects how we feel, think and act. It also helps determine how we handle stress, relate to others, and make choices”, according to mentalhealth.gov.

Emotional; What is your emotional state of being? In other words how are you feeling? Think about that for a second. As I am thinking about how I feel today, I have to say, I don’t know… and it’s ok to say “I don’t know”. We are conditioned to respond by saying “oh, I’m fine thank you, how are you”. Not that we really care about the answer most times right? We just want to be polite and hurry alone with the rest of our day. Sometimes we’re not even doing “fine”, we just say we are so we don’t have to explain our life stories. We have so many things to worry about, we dare not add anything else to our minds. We don’t have time to be bothered with our own feelings.

Honestly, today I feel great, I am excited and nervous at the same time. I am launching some new ideas, starting my own business and conversating with you guys. At the moment, I couldn’t be more grateful for the life I have, I am thankful for this opportunity to build new friendships with you and to have this safe space for us to talk and share with one another.

Psychological; What is your mental state of mind? Sometimes I feel like I am going crazy. Yes, I said it, crazy. Sometimes I am extremely annoyed by what others do and say or how they act… Sometimes I can’t remember where I put my keys or my glasses, and sometimes my glasses is on my face as I’m looking for them. My mind is all over the place because there’s so much to do in what seems like not enough hours in the day. Does any of these things sound like you?

Social; How do you interact with other people? It’s funny how times have changed when you think about interacting with people. Most of us today do almost all of our socializing through media exchange. We have 7,492 friends on Facebook and maybe 3 friends in real life. How did we get hear? Well we could blame the 2020 Pandemic but that wouldn’t be helpful.

When you hear the words “Mental Health”, what does it make you think about? In my opinion, Mental Health is important at every stage of life and should be managed daily. The World Health Organization defines mental health as “a state of well-being in which the individual realizes his or her own abilities, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and fruitfully, and is able to make a contribution to his/her community”. I’d like you to think about what it means to you and comment below. Tell us some of your daily challenges and how you deal with stress. Let’s help one another manage our well-being.

What’s your story? You will see this question very often throughout my blogs and when I ask, I am simply asking for your input about the topic. As I stated before, your story is valid and respected here in this space. I am looking forward to our discussions.

Hey Tuss, what’s your story?


Who am I