
Photo by D. Edwards, taken in Duluth on a T.U.S.S. trip

Photo by D. Edwards, taken in Duluth on a T.U.S.S. trip

Random thought of the day

I want to sit here. I don’t want to move. The feeling of calm fills my spirit and I just want to sit here. It’s quiet. It’s so peaceful. All noise blocked out of this space in serenity. This place I’ve gone, gone to escape. Gone to celebrate. I’m reminiscing of a moment in time that last all of seventy two hours.

The drive up was only a few hours. Me and four of my T.U.S.S. rented a vehicle and drove up north to Duluth. It was a cold weekend in March but we were all in agreement to this much needed get away.

There was nothing on the agenda, which is the perfect purpose for a T.U.S.S. journey. NO AGENDA. Say it with me, “NO AGENDA.”

When we arrived at our hotel located on the shore lines of Lake Superior, I couldn’t help but notice beauty all around me. The sun was shinning bright in the sky. People were walking up and down the streets speaking to one another. I had three whole days free of normality. I didn’t have a schedule to keep and most importantly, I had my T.U.S.S. crew with me.

We went to visit a couple of light houses, which was really exciting. There’s something behind the story of light houses that intrigues me. I wonder, does the light shine to give direction to boats at sea or does it shine so it can be found by boats at sea? I guess it’s the lens through which you are looking. It was a random thought I had sitting on the bench alone while waiting for the others to give que on when to leave. It was a moment of reflection. Mirroring my own light inside. Am I shinning my brightest or am I still looking for my light?

There is no agenda on our T.U.S.S. trips, which means anything can happen. I’m always open for whatever. Except for foods. I’m trying to do better about trying new foods. Oh and I don’t like my food to touch. But on these trips, I try to order foods I don’t normally eat. What’s the point of a T.U.S.S. get away if your mind is not open to new experiences. The only thing wrong with that, is the way my mind works. If it doesn’t look right mentally, I can’t physically eat it… it won’t go down. But I’m getting better at it.

The entire trip was a hit. Lots of walking and talking. We visited museums, restaurants and gift shops. Had a little recreational fun while standing on the shore line at the near by light house. Yes there was a little wine involved as well. Anything and everything is possible to imagine when there are no boundaries.

When you go on your T.U.S.S. trip, be sure to pack comfortable shoes, panties and breath mints. It’s important. In other words pack for the experience. Do as many things, try as many things as you can on your trip. You don’t have to spend a lot of money either. I encourage you to take a T.U.S.S. journey with your best sister friends. I guarantee you won’t regret it. Unless your best sister friend is not really your best sister friend, then its not really a T.U.S.S. trip because your mind can’t be open to new experiences if you don’t feel comfortable opening up freely around the ladies you’re with… sorry. That was the last random thought. At any rate, take a T.U.S.S. Journey and free yourself for a moment in time.

My T.U.S.S. outings keep me grounded. The conversations educate me. The stories empower me. The experience encourages me. All the Things United Sisters Share.

I come back to these moments every time, even if it’s just in my mind.

Hey Tuss, what’s your Story?

Your comments are “Valid, Respected and Valuable”. Your opinion is welcome in the comment space below and I am looking forward to our conversations.


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