3 Men In One Day

Day One of my Journey

A week ago, I decided to pack a bag and travel. It started out as a trip to promote my Book, “TUSS.” By the way, if you haven’t ordered your copy, you can do so by clicking the shop tab at the top of this page.

Anyway, I decide to go to California. Normally I would not have chosen to go to Cali. I had been there before and I wasn’t all that impressed. Plus, who lives in a state where the ground moves all the time.

Now, I have to let yawl know, I took this trip with an open mind. I decided I was going to allow the wind to take control. I had no agenda. No schedule. Most importantly, I had no one to contradict my flow. So, here we go!

First Man, Flavor

My plane had just landed. It was still early enough whereas I wanted to get myself a nice hot coffee. Just as brainwashed as the rest of America, the first thing I do is look for a Starbucks. Ding, ding, ding… right in front of me, just a few more stores down. The line was short enough, so I ordered what I wanted and kept it moving. Well, as I’m putting away my wallet I hear a voice say my name. I’m standing at the other end of the Coffee shop, which is where I’m to pick-up my order. The voice yelled out, “Hello Darlene.” My first thought was “Umm, who knows me in this state?” I look up and it’s; for the sake of privacy, I’m going to call this person Guy Starbuck.

So Guy Starbuck is giving me the big ole friendly smile, full of energy and waving at me with my order cup in his hand. I returned that same energy. I said “Well hello friend, how are you today?” Just as sparky as he was the first time he shouted out to me, using his hands and arms to put emphasis on his words “I am Blessed and highly Flavored hun-tie.’” Oh yes, he said flavored. I thought his back was gone hit the floor but he kept it up straight and begin to make my drink. I admit, he had just made my day. I couldn’t do anything but smile. He was definitely living his life freely, and if he wasn’t, it sure did look like it.

He then asked me how I was doing and I thought to myself, I'm going to stick to what I know. I responded with “Oh I’m Blessed and highly Favored.” We made eye contact as we both begin to laugh. He made small talk with me, as if he didn’t see the other people in line that ordered before me and the few after me. He recognized them, smiled at them and was very polite to them. He and I had quickly connected in a mental way. You know, that feeling you get when you see someone who looks like you, after having some frustrations with people who don’t look like you? In that way.

Clearly, I had just walked into the aftermath of drama. The fire was already extinguished when I got there but I knew just by the expressions on Guy Starbuck face that it wasn’t over. Long story short, Guy Starbuck comes to the end of the counter. He slowly sets my coffee on the counter, sliding it over to me as he leaned in over the counter. He tilted his head to the side and very politely said, “it was very nice to meet you Ms. Darlene, I hope you enjoy this fabulous coffee and you continue to have a blessed day.” And as he stood up and walked away, he said “I know I will” and he flipped his head as if his hair was long, and walked over to grab a cup for the next order.

After saying thank you, I walked away with the biggest smile on my face. I was thinking two things… One, they got the wrong one on the right day with Mr. Guy Starbuck. Two, who the heck told him to call me Miss, what is that?

Second Man, Potential

When I first arrived at the airport, I had to take the elevator down to my designated floor. Just as the door is closing, an arm sticks in causing the doors to reopen. A man walks in. Nice build. You could tell he wasn’t too old and not to young… to young or old for what? That’s up to you, I’m just saying he was somewhere in the middle of life.

The door slowly closes, our eyes meet and now you have the meet cute. The “meet cute,” you know what I mean? Like in the movies when guy meets girl, girl meets boy and immediately the audience knows what’s going to happen next. So, we have the eye contact going on and the door closes. Mind you, I never pushed the button for my floor. So now we’re just standing there awkwardly. He then say’s slowly in a chopped up way, “So, here we are, in the same elevator. Not afraid of one another. Just two people on an elevator.” Looking back at him again, I say “yup.”

After a whole minute went by, we both started to laugh having noticed that neither of us had selected a floor because the doors reopened for some one else to get on. We hadn’t moved. We had been standing still in time. The people getting on just looked at us oddly as if they were trying to figure out what was funny. As we finally exited the elevator he said with a smile, “have a good day” and I said the same.

Later as I’m sitting and waiting for my plane to board, I took out my book and started reading. I was deeply engaged in the story when Mr. Potential from the elevator, sits down beside me. He says, “we meet again.” It was something about his eyes that was calming. I shook my head yes, in agreement. We acknowledged each other with a smile from behind our mask. I went back to reading my book. He leaned back and put his ear pods in his ears. I looked up to see if there were other seats he could have set in. He catches me looking and our eyes meet again. I could see him still smiling through his mask…

Ok, we bumped into each other the first time no problem. Second time, could be a coincidence. But in my mind, I’m starting to think “Ok Freaky Jason, try it if you want to.” His alarm on his phone went off. It was on silence but I could see his screen light up. He set upward and looked around. Grabbing his things he turned to me and said, “it was really nice meeting you, unofficially that is. I can tell you’re quite beautiful under that mask.” Then he walked over across the way where all the dang on seats was taken. His plan was starting to board.

I had to laugh at myself. I was just about to weaponize myself for ole freaky Jason. Here he is, just some nice corny guy looking to take a seat. That’s when I opened my mind just a little bit more, hoping to prepare myself for this journey.

Third Man, The Pick

The flight attendant welcomed me aboard as I walked onto the plane. At this point, my spirits are elevated. I’m ready for whatever comes my way. At least I thought I was. One thing for sure, I was keeping an open mind for the entire journey.

My seat was just a few rows from the front of the plane and next to the window. The man sitting beside me had the isles seat, so there was an empty seat between us. I immediately got comfortable and started reading my book. After take-off and after I had been reading for awhile, I looked up and noticed the passenger next to me reading. He had maybe four books sitting on the middle seat, one of which was the Holy Bible. He had his tray down with a book and papers on it. His glasses set on the tip of his nose as he would look over them now and again searching for whatever…

I watched him for a moment. I was intrigued by him. I requested a drink from the attendant, that’s when he looked up and ordered three drinks. Coffee black, cranberry juice and water. She asked him if he wanted it all at the same time and he replied yes. What could I do but smile and I went back to my book. He asked me what I was reading. I showed him the book cover and said the title. He shook his head in a yes motion. So, I asked what he was reading.

The book he was reading, if I can recall the topic was on Ancient Egyptians. It appeared, he was working on some type of research; looking at all the books he kept switching back and forth from. Every now and again, and again, he would start a short conversation with me. We started talking about my book and he ask if I had a copy on me. “Of course I do” and I handed him a copy to look at. We talked a little more and I would try to go back to reading my book.

Out of the blue, He turns to me and says “Are you the author of TUSS.” He said it as he held up a copy of the book I had given to him. In a millisecond my mind went from; “I know he not seriously asking me this question. To, I know he sees my picture right there. To maybe he forgot. I answered with “yes sir, I’m the author.” He started smiling at me and said, “I bet that’s the first time someone has asked you that.” I smiled and said “yes sir, it is.” He looked at the book, then back at me and said “It won’t be the last.” He simply made my day.

He told me at one point during our conversations, his wife was sitting further in the back because she didn’t like to fly. He sat closer to the front because it’s more room to move around and closer to the bathroom. My flight buddy was 87 years old. He and his wife had been married 56 of them. He said it didn’t matter how they traveled as long as their destination was the same.

I picked him as my Dove for the day!

I know what you’ll are thinking, this is not what you thought this story was going to be about… LOL!

Believe me, I know how you feel. That’s how I was feeling about my life before I took this journey. This is not what I imagined my life would be like at this age. I still have so much I want to do.

It’s never to late. That’s what I told myself right before I booked my flight out of town. And when I tell you I had the best time…. believe me. I had the time of my life just enjoying me!

I can’t wait to tell you guys all about Day 2, 3, & 4. If you like the stories, like and share them on all your social media platforms. I appreciate your love and support.

As always, your comments are Valid, Respected, and valuable. Your opinion is welcomed in this space.


Day 2 - Flying Solo


Living Life Freely